Annies Cottage
Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness
to learn
anything or anyone
that does not bring you alive
is too small for you…
by David Whyte

Our mission is—
to provide sanctuary and safety for guests going through transitions, by first practicing sound earth stewardship, responsibility and reciprocity with the gentle land, and all the beings that ground and support this lodge.
From this relationship of respect, we welcome guests who come here seeking solitude to enter a death phase. This death can be metaphorical or literal. We nurture true solitude without diversion, but with access to ceremony, various forms of healing, and with seasoned helpers.
Solitudo is Latin for nature. In true solitude, you remember yourself back home, and as a part of everything, a part of nature. You rediscover ease, flexibility, inspiration, belonging, and wisdom in your own company, and therefore the community, and how you belong to the earth.
It is our intention to provide sanctuary in a safe, nurturing environment where people are held by the generous forest, the waterfall and Cooper Brook, the ancestors, ceremony, and seasoned helpers as they navigate thresholds and transitions in body, mind, and/or spirit. Fostering balance and coherence of soul that reaches out into the world, reminding the individual, and thus the community of their precious song.
As we tend the fires of our deepest being, we unravel the grip of ancestral wounds, patriarchy, colonization, amnesia and reclaim the magnificence of our integral selves. To honor each other, to respect and love our Earth Mother, we must first blow the dirt and dust off of these beliefs and patterns that aren’t ours or our authentic selves.
We are here to listen, to build bridges across differences, to sing sweetly and loudly the soul back into the bones of the inner most landscapes that are also the outer most landscapes. In this remembering we understand that we are all connected and belong to each other, accepting and acting from this responsibility, so we may lead our world back into balance, health and love.
To be staffed by death doulas, hospice, doctors, various healing modalities available. Cost determined by income.
For those who need support as they navigate deep transitions. Fee determined on individual basis after consultation.
Sacred Plant Medicine
Wachuma, a sacred cactus, also known as the Grandfather, allows us to see and integrate our shadow self in a compassionate and loving way. $875 per person (includes 2 nights lodging).
Deep Dive With the Grandfather
Our most popular retreat weekend. Guests arrive Friday evening and retrieve a soul retrieval. On Saturday they work with the medicine, and on Sunday have an energetic integration session with Sierra. $1,200 per person (includes 2 nights lodging).
Inner Quest
Four day stay, with one-on-one ceremonies, as well as personal support and mentorship with Sierra. $1,800-2,500 (sliding scale) per stay/per person.
Healing Retreat
Participants select healing modalities that support the intention and healing they desire. Massage, sound bath, ceremony, yoga, Reiki, soul retrieval, Kambo and other options available.
Meal options available. Price to be determined based upon number of nights lodging and selected treatments.
Four day stay, with one-on-one ceremonies, as well as personal support and mentorship with Sierra. $1,900 per stay/per person.
$100 per person, per night. Maximum of 4 people per stay.